
Webflow needed help with the usability and information for the website.


Discover how we gave this startup a fresh visual start. With over 50 team members, 5000+ users and 27M, it was time to replace their outdated look with a design that matched their ambitions.

Webflow is the Berlin-based Series A startup on its way to becoming the leading finance platform for SMEs, freelancers, and self-employed persons.

What we've done

1. Strategic Discovery

2. Web application redesign & optimization

3. Mobile application redesign & optimization

4. Landing page redesign & optimization

5. Component-based UI-kit

6. Product Design Sprints to explore new functionality

We've got work to do

Webflow needed help with usability and information architecture of their product website, landing pages mobile and web applications. They had short “startup” deadlines and had experienced lackluster results from other design companies.

Their customer insights were ready for A/B testing. They were also rapidly growing and wanted to have a well documented visual guidelines for the product team to simplify onboarding and enhance visual consistency.

Level asked as to help

— Take their product look to the next level

— Fix UX issues in mobile and web application

— Match their bold vision to the look and experience of the product

— Provide a visual framework that will help the product team iterate faster

Creating a landing page with clear and targeted messaging was a crucial step in increasing conversions. Together with the Webflow team, we have compiled a new product page structure using the AIDA model and packed that in a nice cover 🙂

Ready to talk


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